Mission Statement

International and European security as well as disarmament and non-proliferation are crucial for the prevention of violent conflicts and wars and ultimately for building peace. Recent developments on the world stage concerning proliferation, arms deals, the weakening of the INF treaty, and the use of outlawed weapons such as anti-personnel mines and biological and chemical weapons are of great concern for collective security. On the other hand, in 2017, 122 states signed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Even though it was boycotted by the nuclear states, it not only has a symbolic character, but it also sets a trend for the majority of states who view the deterrence argument ambivalently and try not to split nuclear from conventional weapons – noting that both have devastating effects for the civil population. A nuclear escalation between Pakistan and India or North Korea and its enemies would have terrible consequences, but this is also true for the many wars fought with conventional weapons, as in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Libya.

On the other hand, regional organisations such as the OSCE and NATO face several internal and external challenges. Trust between member states is at a low point, and a structured dialogue is necessary for reaching their stated aims peacefully. The UN is still the only truly international and collective security organisation, but it also fails to ensure security and peace due to the power constellations within the security council as well as due to different forms of current conflicts, which tend to be more asymmetric than before. 

The IIP tries to address these issues via policy papers, conferences, workshops, public events, book publications, and the exchange of ideas in order to build a new European and international security architecture that has peace as its ultimate goal.

Projects and activities:




October 31 | Die EU und der Iran: Chancen für eine neue Strategie?🗞️

October 14 | Conference: Vienna Peace & Security Talks 2024 🗞️




May 23 | Diskussion zu Frieden und Sicherheit 🎬

April 30 | Podcast Peace Matters #17: EU Wahl und die Zukunft Europas: Evelyn Regner und Lena Schilling 🎧

April 29 | Carlo Masala: Warum die Welt keinen Frieden findet 🎬

February 13 | Can Treaties Eliminate Nuclear Weapons? 🗞️


Feburary 24 | Podcast Peace Matters #15: Humanitäre Hilfe und Außenpolitik in Zeiten von Krieg. Bayr & Wank 🎧

January 29 | Podcast Peace Matters #14: Adjusting to a Changing Global Order: The United Nations and International Law. Kane & Janik 🎧

January 16 | Die Logik der nuklearen Abschreckung 🗞️



November 21 | Israel and Palestine - Is there a Chance for Peace? 🗞️

November 14 | Dealing with Justice and Peace Issues in Times of War: Credibility of International Law and Conflicts in Sudan and the Middle East 🎬

November 9 | Ukraine and the Allies: Keeping the Firm Rock Unity and Solidarity 🗞️

October 30 | On the EU’s Frontline: Outcomes from Poland’s 2023 Parliamentary Elections 🎬

October 20 | Offene Wunden - Bluten immer wieder … 🗞️

October 19 | Krieg und Deeskalation – welche Perspektiven bietet zivile Friedensarbeit? 🗞️

October 18 | Towards a more inclusive global governance: What role for Europe? 🎬

October 17 | Ukraine and the European Union - A common Future? 🗞️

October 12 | Turkish Foreign Policy in the South Caucasus: What Does Baku’s Takeover of Nagorno-Karabakh Mean for Ankara? 🗞️

October 9 | Conference: Vienna Peace & Security Talks 2023

September 27 | Wie Österreich einen Kompromiss in Bergkarabach vorantreiben könnte 🗞️

September 26 | Waffenruhe in Berg-Karabach vereinbart 🎬

September 26 | Iran – Saudi Arabia Rapprochement: Diplomacy as it should be! 🎬

September 26 | Europa und die neue Welt(un)ordnung 🗞️

September 5 | U.S. military buildup in the Persian Gulf - Heinz Gärtner 🎬

September 4 | The BRICS Empowered? 🗞️

August 21 | WOHIN TREIBT’S EUROPA - Teil 4: Europa und das Mittelmeer 🗞️

August 14 | WOHIN TREIBT’S EUROPA? - Teil 3: Europa und die USA 🗞️

August 11 | WOHIN TREIBT‘S EUROPA? - Teil 2: Europa und der Rest 🗞️

August 10 | Dual Neutralization as a Pathway to a Denuclearized Korea 🗞️

August 9 | WOHIN TREIBT‘S EUROPA?  - Teil 1: Auf dem Weg zur Verteidigungsunion? 🗞️

July 27 | Iran – Saudi Arabia Rapprochement: A Possible Precursor for Regional Cooperative Security 🗞️

July 27 | "Diese Raketen sind nicht nur ein Schutz" 🗞️

July 15 | The NATO summit in Vilnius - Robert E. Hunter in conversation with Heinz Gärtner 🎬

July 7 | Friedensvermittlung in der Klimakrise als Notwendigkeit für die österreichische Sicherheit 🗞️

June 13 |Österreichische Sicherheitspolitik & Neutralität – Optionen für die Zukunft 🎬

June 6 | Ö1 Europa Journal - Europagespräch: Wie neutral ist Österreich eigentlich noch? 🎬

June 6 | The War in Ukraine and its Impact on Chechnya 🎬

June 1 | Conditions for Peace between Ukraine and Russia 🗞️

May 31 | Serbien vs. Kosovo: Warum die Lage eskaliert 🗞️

May 30 | Fenkart zu Situation in Kosovo: "Es ist zu gewaltsamen Eskalationen gekommen" 🎬

May 11 | Israel's Domestic and International Challenges on its 75th Anniversary: Tectonic Shifts and Policy Dilemmas 🎬

May 8 | Sieben Punkte zur österreichischen Sicherheit: Perspektive der Friedensförderung 🗞️

May 5 | IIP Talk: The OSCE in a time of war - Can the cooperative security be revitalized? 🎬

April 12 | Growing nuclear tensions on the Korean Peninsula 🎬

April 5 | Hat Neutralität eine Zukunft? 🗞️

March 23 | Ohrid Talks and Serbia’s Geopolitical Dilemma 🗞️

March 20 | Der neue Ost-West-Konflikt 🗞️

March 20 | Veraltetes Konzept oder wichtiger denn je: Schützt die Neutralität Österreich vor Krieg? 🗞️

March 20 | Polit-Experte Gärtner: „Österreich hätte alle Voraussetzungen, einen Verhandlungs-Kongress vorzubereiten“ 🗞️

March 15 | EU Accession and the “Ukraine War” 🗞️

March 6 | Der Westen: Geeint aber isoliert? 🗞️

February 24 | What future for the European Peace and Security Communities? 🎬

February 24 | Buchpräsentation und Podiumsdiskussion - „Die USA, der Iran und das Nuklearabkommen“ 🎬

February 20 | Europas Herausforderung - Ein Jahr Krieg gegen die Ukraine 🗞️

February 20 | 1 Jahr Krieg: Wie kommen wir zu Frieden 🗞️

January 16 | "Reshaping" of critical regional infrastructure under the impact of war: The case of Ukraine, Russia, and the EU 🗞️

January 3 | Krieg und Frieden 2023 🗞️


December 13 | Neutralität und Krieg 🎬

December 13 | Immoral Code – Filmvorschau und Diskussion 🎬

November 14 | Milliarden für das Militär: Lässt sich ein erneutes Wettrüsten in Österreich, Europa und der Welt vermeiden? 🎬

October 17 | Militarization for peace? How the West deals with the crisis in wartime Europe 🎬

October 9/10 | Conference: Vienna Peace & Security Talks 2022

September 28 | Former UN disarmament expert voices regret over Sweden, Finland joining NATO 🗞️

September 13 | Winning and Losing the Nuclear Peace: Looking Back on Arms Control and Non-Proliferation 🎬

September 13 | Deliberating Autonomous Weapons 🗞️

September 7 | Interview: The doctrine of nuclear deterrence is the main obstacle for nuclear disarmament 🎬

August 2 | IIP Talk - Geopolitics dominates the Middle East: Heinz Gärtner in conversation with Shireen Hunter 🎬

August 1 | Heinz Gärtner - Ursachen und Folgen des Ukrainekrieges, NATOs neue Sicherheitsstrategie, Neutralität 🎬

July 7 | IIP TALK with Robert Hunter on 2022 NATO Summit 🎬

May 9 | Europe Day 2022 🗞️

April 21 | Thomas Nowotny & Thomas Hajnoczi über Atomwaffen 🗞️

April 6 | Mit Russen Reden? 🗞️

March 22 | Österreich: Auf in die Nato? 🗞️

March 24 | Robert Hunter on NATO and Russia 🎬

March 24 | IIP Talk with Angela Kane Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution – Experiences from the Field 🎬

March 18 | Russia’s War on Ukraine: Is There a Way to Peace? 🗞️

Febraury 15 | Vision quest: How Europe should safeguard its security 🗞️

February 11 | Putin’s Reactive Escalation: How Regime Architecture Affects Russian Foreign Policy 🗞️

February 8 | Die Ukraine und ihre vielen Fronten 🗞️

January 25 | Diplomacy is the only way to avoid a war with Russia 🗞️

January 5 | 2022: Das Jahr der drei Kriege? 🗞️

January 4 | Is there a future for cooperation between the OSCE and China? 🗞️


November 24 | Talks on Reviving the JCPOA: Moving from Distrust to Trust? 🗞️

November 3 | Vienna Peace and Security Talks 2021 - Conference Paper 🗞️

September 23 | European Security: Fallout from Afghanistan - Lessons for EU, OSCE, and NATO 🎬

September 7 | Engaged Neutral States 🗞️

August 6 | EU-Neutrale als "strategische Schnorrer"? 🗞️

July-August | Afghanistan: The tragedy continues - analysis of the ongoing developments🗞️

July 6 | Will the negotiations on the Iran Nuclear Agreement (JCPOA) in Vienna be successful? 🎬

July 6 | The Future of Diplomacy After COVID-19: Multilateralism and Maintaining International Peace and Security 🎬

July 5 | International - Iran-Atomdeal, wie geht es weiter? - Heinz Gärtner 🎬

May 31 | [TALKING GEOPOLITICS] With Prof. Heinz Gaertner On Iran Nuclear Deal And The West 🗞️

May 27 | PART III: Geopolitical Struggle for the Black Sea Region - EU´s role in the Black Sea Region 🎬

May 20 | A Bright Side to Proliferation? 🗞️

May 15 | Die Trump-Netanjahu Pläne sind gescheitert 🗞️

May 14 | Heinz Gärtner zu Raketenangriffen auf Israel 🗞️


May 5 | 100 Tage Biden 🗞️

May 4 | Promising Talks on Iran’s Nuclear Program Resume in Vienna 🗞️

April 21 | Ein Erfolg der Wiener Gespräche über das iranische Nuklearprogramm ist greifbar 🎬

April 19 | Heinz Gärtner: “Nuclear talks in Vienna must not fail” 🎬



April 12 | Interview with Heinz Gärtner on the Iran-nuclear-talks in Vienna 🎬

April 12 | USA-Iran-Abkommen hing immer am seidenen Faden 🗞️

April 1 | PART II: Geopolitical Struggle for the Black Sea Region - Shared and Conflicting Interests in the Black Sea Region 🎬

March 31 | USA: Rückkehr zum Nuklearabkommen mit dem Iran 🗞️

March 23 | Politologe Gärtner: „Die Großmacht-Konkurrenz verstärkt sich“ 🗞️

March 19 | Part III: USA: BACK TO MULTILATERALISM? The Iran Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) and a Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Middle East (NWFZME) 🎬


March 19 | PART I: Geopolitical Struggle for the Black Sea Region - A Struggle for Dominance in the Caucasus? 🎬



March 15 | Biden Is on the Verge of Making the Same Mistakes 🗞️

March 10 | Feminist Foreign Policy: More Than Gender Equality? 🎬


February 22 | The Middle East: Is there light at the end of the Long Corridor? 🗞️

February 22 | Part II: USA: BACK TO MULTILATERALISM? Extension of New START and Implications: A start in rebuilding arms control architecture? 🎬

February 22 | Strategic Realignments in the Middle East Ahead of a Biden Presidency: A View from Jerusalem 🎬

February 10 | How Nuclear Dependent States Could Respond to the Entry into Force of the TPNW 🗞️

February 8 | GASTKOMMENTAR: Führerschaft der USA „nicht gleich Partnerschaft“ 🗞️

February 4 | Außer Kontrolle? Aufrüstung und die Misstrauensspirale 🎬

February 3 | USA/EU: Eine neue Allianz? 🗞️

February 1 | Heinz Gärtner: International - Atomabkommen neu, was nun? 🎬

January 21 | Part I: USA - Back to Multilateralism? The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) enters into force 🎬

January 19 | The poltical significance of the TPNW 🗞️

January 5 | Riga Dialogue 2020 Papers: Strategic Narratives and Sustainability in the Euroatlantic Community 🗞️

January 5 | Global Catastrophic Risks 2020 🗞️


December 21 | Der größte Hacker-Angriff in der US-Geschichte 🗞️

December 3 | What does Biden’s presidency mean for the World and Iran? 🗞️

November 26 | Jihadi terrorism, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Austrian discourse on Political Islam 🗞️

November 26 | Interview with Herbert R. Reginbogin: International Day of Neutrality and the Future of Neutrality 🎬

November 26 | Atomare Aufrüstung 🎬

November 20 | Europas Kampf gegen den Islamismus 🗞️

November 12 | Antisemitismus, Islamismus und Terror 🗞️

November 10 | Terror attack in Vienna 🗞️

November 2 | Religion muss von Terror gelöst werden 🗞️

October 27 | Neutralität zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft 🎬

October 22 | Conference Less Arms, More Peace: On Women, Peace and Security and the Future of Disarmament

October 20 | Die sicherheitspolitische Funktion der österreichischen immerwährenden Neutralität im sich wandelnden internationalen/globalen Umfeld 🗞️

October 13 | Austria and its Neutrality—A Tradition with Potential 🗞️

October 1 | Interview with Dr. Clara Portela: A Geopolitical EU and the Power of Sanctions 🎬

September 29 | EU’s New Ambition – How To Be More Geopolitical Nowadays 🎬

September 28 | Buchbesprechung: "The Button: The New Nuclear Arms Race and Presidential Power from Truman to Trump" - William J. Perry and Tom Z. Collina 🗞️

July 31 | Die Geopolitik der Atombombenabwürfe auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki

July 23 | Ein neuer Weg für Europa? Die deutsche Ratspräsidentschaft in unsicheren Zeiten

July 20 | Not a Good Date to Commemorate

July 9 | Strategic Dilemmas Facing the UN in the Post-Corona World 🎬

July 1 | Consequences of COVID-19 and the Implications for Disarmament

May 27 | Ankaras Sturmreiter fegen über Libyen - Markus Reisner für zenith 🗞️

May 19 | The Postponed 2020 NPT Review Conference: Another Setback or a Window of Opportunity?

May 1 | Reforming the UN Security Council: A Discussion with Mona Ali Khalil and Angela Kane

April 30 | Resolution 1325 and Gender in Security Policy - 20 years on 🎬

April 29 | Might Feminism Revive Arms Control? Why Greater Inclusion of Women in Nuclear Policy is Necessary and How to Achieve It

April 17 | NATO, Russia, and Covid-19

March 2-3 | Complete Interviews from 2020 Neutrality and Nonalignment Conference

March 2-3 | Friends with Enemies: Neutrality and Nonalignment Then and Now

February 26 | Arms Control and Disarmament: Challenges and Opportunities for the European Union

February 3 | Statement: Another Concerning Setback in Arms Control

January 29 | Making the Case – Die Gefahren von Killer Robotern und die Notwendigkeit eines präventiven Verbotes


December 17 | Report Disarmament versus Rearmament

October 21 | Middle East WMD-free Zone: View from Egypt

Ocotber 17 | Talk with Elizabeth Spehar : United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus

March 07 | Video and Report: “EU-Russia Dialogue. Vienna Process 2019”

February 14 | A future for the INF treaty?


November 20 | Robotic Wars

November 19 | Iran - US Talks?

October 10 | Conference of World leading Think Tanks on Peace and Security - Report

October 23 | Turbulences in the Middle East are Here to Stay

July 24 | Rapidly Emerging Technologies: What are the Ethical and Legal Challenges?

July 11 | The Ban on Nuclear weapons, Negative Security Assurances and NATO States

July 11 | Iran in the International System

April 27 | Israel and Palestine - a binational state or two states for two nations

April 11 | The New Iran? Between Confrontation and Change

April 11 | Nuklearwaffenfreie Zonen und Rüstungskontrolle statt Nuklearwaffen und Krieg

April 3 | Friede durch Stärke

March 22 | The OSCE in 2030? Let’s Survive the new Cold War

March 20 | Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons


December 20 | The Nuclear Ban Treaty

October 20 | The policy of the Republic of Korea’s new government towards North Korea

July 21 | The Ban on Nuclear Weapons - Austria’s perspective - And a Compromise

June 7 | U.S. - European Security Relations under the New Administration

May 7 | The Future of Nuclear Weapons in Europe

May 3 | Consequences of BEXIT for Security and Defence Policy of the EU

April 2 | The Future of the Iran Nuclear Deal in the New World

March 7 | The Challenges for the OSCE and the Role of the Parliamentary Assembly

February 15 | OSZE - Zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit

January 14 | Limits and Opportunities of the OSCE


November 19 | 40 Years after Helsinki - How to continue

October 2 | Neutrality: an Outdated Concept?

June 11 | Stability and Security in Europe: Back to Power Games

May 20 | Herrschaftssysteme des Globalkapitalismus

March 20 | From Helsinki I to Helsinki II or OSCE 2.0 a European Perspective